A Birthday Wish for My Son

This week was my oldest son's seventeenth birthday. That seems unfathomable to me. I can remember the day he was born like yesterday.

I want to mark this special occasion on my blog, but what you're allowed to say as a mom about a boy that age in public is very limited. Gushing words declaring my undying love would not go over well, though of course my love for him knows no bounds. Sharing silly stories or personal conversations on here is off limits, though I savor our conversations and store them up like jewels. 

I imagine we're to a stage many a mother and son have passed through before. One where I admire who he is becoming and wait with anticipation to see what he will do next. Physically, he is almost full grown, though when I look at him I still sometimes see my little boy. Intellectually, he's changing and maturing. We can talk politics and current events and I marvel that this has happened in the blink of an eye. He has embraced the freedom driving has given him this year and takes on more responsibilities and commitments outside of our home now. 

And yet, there still exists a boisterous boy a little too willing to take risks. One who isn't done maturing and could easily find himself making decisions he might later regret. This is also something I'm sure many a mother has feared for her son. There is parenting left to do. Important work and I want to finish well.

I view my son with pride and love and nostalgia as I know that all too soon he will leave and make his own way in the world. I hope he will always come home and allow his father and I to share in his life. Allow us to have conversations and laughter with him, allow us the privilege of knowing and loving him as he becomes the man God made him to be. 

I think of all these things as I wish him Happy Birthday!


  1. So sweet! Happy birthday to your son : ) My daughter is only two, but I know in just a short time she'll be the one talking politics with me and getting her driver's license. As my pastor just told me, "the days are long, but the years are short!"

    Visiting from the Deliberate Mom's blog hop!

  2. Happy Birthday to your son! My kids are small now - hard to imagine someday I'll be in your shoes.

  3. Awwww, sniffle - how very sweet. You seem to be doing the perfect amount of savouring, loving, and letting go Marie. Beautiful.

    Happy Birthday to your son.

    Thanks so much for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  4. What a dear and sweet letter Marie. Seventeen! Wow, we just celebrated 13 and that boggled my mind. I know that 17 will be here in a flash :)

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! For some reason it feels like the teen years go by more quickly!

  5. So beautiful, and you brought tears to my eyes! Our sons are very close in age (mine turned seventeen in September). Such a wonderful time, like you said, but so bittersweet because they will be grown men soon. Happy Birthday to your son!

    1. I noticed that Lana! I enjoy reading about your son because it gives me insight into another 17 year old boy! :)

  6. Happy Birthday to your son. They grow up too fast and we miss them... it's not always easy. He has his whole life ahead of him - be proud hun x

  7. So beautiful, Marie!
    Send your handsome son birthday wishes from California!
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend,

  8. I can relate to so much in this post. Happy birthday to your son!

  9. How time flies! At seventeen (as you said) your son is almost a adult, but not quite. I describe my son as a man/child; no longer a child, but not quite a man. I am sure that as your son matures he will look back and cherish the time he had growing up in a house full of love.

    As parents we can only do our best and it sounds as if you have done yourselves proud...I hope your son had a fantastic birthday.


  10. I know this stage - my oldest turned 17 in November. You are so wise to say you still have parenting to do. It's easy to see the young adult develop, but know that they still need our guidance. Sometimes, it's not what they want to hear from us, but it's still our duty.

    Other times, it's just as it ought to be - a child becoming and adult, the lessons and love they've had along the way helping to direct their route. They steer more and more every day, but we parents remain close, if we're lucky.

    You're done good Marie. You've done good.

    1. Thanks, Eli! I agree about the parenting. They may not welcome it, but they do still need guidance!

  11. This was beautiful! I see my own son now who is only 9 years old, but almost as tall as me. It's just such a shock when you realize they are growing up.

  12. This was wonderful. Maybe I'm just extra hormonal today, but tears were coming as I read through that post. I wish all of those same things for my son! I wish that as he grows into adulthood he would always want his dad and I to be a part of his life. The older I get, the more I realize it's not a given for that happen, but it has be intentional on both sides. Thanks for sharing this - You are a great mom, and I'm sure he WILL always want to have you in his life. :)

  13. How lovely. Happy birthday to him. My boys are only 3 and 6yrs old and I hope they grow into fine 17 year olds like your son. #ShareWithMe

  14. Aww happy birthday to your grown up little guy :)

    Julie @ Velvet-Rose.net
    visiting from Mommy Monday link up.

  15. What a beautiful tribute to your son. Happy birthday! They grow up so fast it scares me. Your words are so sweet. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me, for all the continual blog support throughout 2014! Happy Holidays! #sharewithme

  16. This is so beautiful! I have only younger daughters, but I can so relate to your feelings. Happy birthday to your handsome boy!

  17. Thank you for posting to Motivation Monday!

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