Role Reversal

Role reversal. You hear about it when your kids are babies and you can't comprehend it. Their dependence is so complete and you can't imagine there will ever come a time when they will try to "mother" you. Then they start to grow and learn the word no, thereby showing they have minds of their own and won't always be under your control. But still you think, I'm the parent and older, so naturally I'll always be the one just a couple steps ahead of them. Fast forward another few years and you get a text like this...

Okay, I don't know what to make of this because I'm only barely 43, and apparently already unable to dress myself appropriately. I mean I honestly can't think of a time in my life when I've been planning to meet new people and I've said to myself, yes this is the perfect occasion for workout clothes. 

It seems my kids now think I don't know how to talk, dress, or conduct myself. I'm forever being cautioned to not show too much enthusiasm, not to talk too loudly, and not to draw any undue attention. I'm told when and how I can sing, never to dance, when and how to spend my money and what to cook. I'm informed which things I'm requesting matter and which ones are silly and ridiculous. They bristle at my questions and take offense if I express any doubt about their directives. My children are founts of wisdom no matter their level of experience or knowledge on any subject.

I've heard from parents a little farther down the road that I will regain some of my competence as my children age. Until then, I'll keep riding this out listening to the do's and don'ts of my five quasi dictators. I'd laugh at the irony of it all, if only I was allowed to show mirth of any kind! 


  1. I love the description of your kids as 'dictators,' it's so funny! My daughters frequently treat me as though I'm incapable of functioning as fully responsible adult. I guess we have to get used to it!

    1. At least we're not alone in this, Izzie. Lots of parents are experiencing it so we can laugh about it together!

  2. Haha! I know! How EVER did we survive before their very sage and helpful advice? Wonderfully written and hilarious post my friend! Sure hoping I can get myself dressed alone today.....

    1. I know, right? My kids' eyes glaze over when I attempt to speak about how we survived before the year of their birth! :)

  3. Marie! This is too funny!
    I remember saying things like that to my folks :0)
    I don't remember my oldest (now 21) saying anything to me about my clothes or speech, but he would turn down my car radio when we would pull up to his school, so that his friends wouldn't know that I wasn't listening to 'cool' music.
    Oh, good grief! I STILL laugh about that!
    I'm still awesome in the eyes of our 3 little ones, so I'll ride that out for a few more years . . . knowing that there's good chance it will change, lol!
    As always, I love your posts . . . They make me laugh and smile :0)
    Have a great weekend,

  4. So funny Marie, and I can totally relate! My 20 year old thinks I'm cool again, but the 17 year old is embarrassed by me on a daily basis!

  5. This is hilarious. Not there yet, but in about 4 years I'm suddenly going to become very stupid, I think - at least as far as my oldest is concerned!

  6. Thanks for this humorous way of looking at life as a mom!
    "Bristling at my questions" is something I am familiar with! But I have learned that maybe I should give my kids the benefit of the doubt, and realize I do tend to over- parent! (And, I have been known to comment on what they wear ... !)

  7. Hilarious! They should be proud of a mama who can rock the workout clothes like you do, though, Marie. Only one of my girls has acted embarrassed of me blatantly, but she also hates that one of her best friends gives me a huge hug every time she sees me.

    We can't be that bad, can we?


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