Changing Seasons

I don't know if it's this time of year with all the holiday busyness, or the natural ebb and flow of life's interests, but I haven't been as excited to write on this blog the past couple weeks as I used to be. The ideas and words aren't flowing. I think part of it is that I'm using my creative energy in other ways and I don't have as much left over for writing.

I don't want to just drop off the face of the blogosphere, so I wanted to let you know I'm going to take a break over the holidays from my usual posting schedule. I may post once a week or once a month as the mood strikes. If you don't want to miss anything, I'd love for you to follow me by email or on Bloglovin. You'll find both of these options to the right on my sidebar.

Thank you to all my regular readers. I really appreciate your support and look forward to be being back with more Normal Everyday Life soon!


  1. I think it's good to take a break every now and then from blogging and to re-charge your passion for writing. Have fun with the family and make the most of some well-deserved time off x

  2. I totally understand - I've been feeling a bit that way myself. Enjoy your break!

  3. It's a good idea to take breaks so you don't get burnt out! I'll miss you, but totally understand.

  4. Completely understand!! I've taken a break the past week or so, and haven't really been feeling the most motivated to writing either. During my break I realized just how much time blogging really takes and it made me wonder if I even want to continue on with it. I think I'll continue posting a little less for the next couple of months and see if that helps! Enjoy your break! :)

  5. Deal with your burn-out -- and then I hope you feel recharged. Your blog is one of my favorites - and I know you will find the right balance. Enjoy the holidays - and your much deserved "time off"!

  6. Dear Marie,
    I know what you mean! It's good to take breaks!
    The holidays are often so busy for me that I just don't have the extra time to blog, so my posts are fewer . . . and by December, I only share a few posts during the whole month.
    I'm a big fan of yours, so I'll be sure and come by for visits and let you know that I'm still here.
    Enjoy your time off!!

  7. As you know I've been struggling with this too, I'm planning for a break over Christmas, I think we all need to recharge sometimes x

  8. I did the same and took a break from work since last year.... and during this break, I started reading blogs the very first time and have been enjoying reading about them and discovering there is another world where people live a great life other than the corporate world where I buried myself for over 10 years of my life...I like your blog.

  9. Dear Marie,
    I wanted to come by to wish you and your family a Happy, Happy Thanksgiving!
    Hoping that your day is filled with all that is wonderful!
    Sending hugs,

    1. Thank so much, Suzanne!! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

  10. I hope you are having a restful break and enjoying some family time. Just wanted to leave a note, and tell you that I miss reading your posts! I'm looking forward to your return :)


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