Making Memories

My twin daughters love seasonal decorations. Me, not so much. I like to look at them at other houses, but tend to avoid the extra work and storage for myself. We decorate minimally for holidays around here, much to the dismay of my daughters.

When magazines like this one come in the mail, I think to myself, who in the world has the time or inclination to make such things? But when one of my daughters saw it on the counter, she started squealing and gushing about how fun it would be to make them and could we also make these at Christmas time? What?! Those rice krispie treats look complicated.

Then she informed me that when I come to her house someday there will be decorations everywhere and streamers and it will be lots of fun! Kind of made me feel bad. Sort of. Not enough to put up streamers. 

But mom guilt has a way of prevailing and we made these this weekend...brownie gravestones, marshmallow witches and oreo spiders. My girls couldn't have been happier! They even got to bring them to a party and see others enjoy them. I think we'll have a new fall tradition in the years ahead!


  1. How fun! I used to decorate more for Halloween when the boys were younger. Now they don't really care so it's hard to find the motivation to put it all out. But I do enjoy looking at other people's stuff!

    1. It's definitely more for younger kids. My older ones like to carve pumpkins and that's about it!

  2. It's not so much of a tradition to celebrate Halloween in the UK and I've never decorated the house despite my daughters going to a few Halloween-themed parties over the years. Your daughters look so happy that you decided to get creative this year and I'm guessing you'll have to add this to the list of family traditions?

    1. I'm sure they'll be asking me to make them again. They loved the decorating!

  3. I tend to have the exact same thoughts as you... I guess making special things for Halloween would be more manageable than during Thanksgiving or Christmas when you're already running around like a chicken with your head cut off. If someone even suggested I make those cute little Rice Krispie treats in mid-December I'd probably either scream or start crying. Or probably both.

    1. Haha! I don't see myself ever making those fancy rice krispie treats no matter how much guilt they throw my way!


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