School Talk

I went to the middle school open house this week to meet the teachers and follow my child's schedule for one night. Honestly, I've kind of slacked off on these things over the years. (Read this is the third kid and you know the story from there). But...that great purveyor of motherly guilt and advice, Facebook, convinced me I should make more of an effort. 

So I found myself sitting in desk chairs for a couple hours listening to what my son is doing all day. One, I was very impressed with all of his teachers and his school. It's amazing what they can get those sixth graders to learn! Two, it never fails to surprise me how much different school feels now that I'm the parent. Being back in school for even a couple hours always makes me admire my kids and all they do in a day. Feels like there's more to keep up with than when I was a kid, but that might just be because I view it all through different eyes now. Anyway suffice it to say, repeating the school years would not be on my wish list for time travel. 

This week I read two excellent posts that pretty much sum up how I feel about back to school right now. One is really funny and one is really sad. I don't operate on an even keel so I'm fine with laughing and crying all in one post. I hope you are, too!


If you feel like letting a few good tears fall, then you'll want to read Dana from Kiss My List's poignant post, Beginnings and Ends, on the first day of school.

And if you feel like a good laugh, you'll want to read Victoria Fedden's post on Scary Mommy, Back to School: The 70's vs. Now.

Then come back and let me know what you think because nothing bonds moms like talking about their emotions and feelings! :) 


  1. LOL LOVED that post. The funny one. I feel like I'm too worn out for the crying one so I'll have to read that one later. Haha, oh man. I'm glad to think I fall somewhere in between the two extremes. Poor little JJ gets peanut butter and jelly

    1. Haha, I totally understand! I wouldn't want to back in school and I wouldn't want to eat my kids' lunches! :) Also, did you notice the overlays on my image for this post? I learned how to do it thanks to your PicMonkey tutorial!

  2. Marie! I couldn't stop laughing at the "1970s vs today" post. I'm still laughing! So funny!!!
    The 'Beginnings and Ends' post was very thoughtful and touching. What a unique way of thinking about the events in our lives. Beautifully written.
    So happy you share these with us!

    1. I'm glad you liked them, Suzanne! I love it in the 70's post where she says she'll blog about it and hope HuffPo picks it up!

  3. Thanks for sharing these Marie. I like the idea of ends and beginnings being one circle. I died laughing at the 1970's post - although sadly, it's kind of true :)!

  4. Happy to share it, Dana! Wonderful post! I can't remember my lunchboxes, but I definitely remember my mom taking us to Sears to school shop. :)

  5. Thanks for sharing. It is great the way we move in community. My children (did I say children!) are adults and college is behind them. I loved....loved....loved taking them to their first day of school. The smells, the excitement, the new shoes and everything brought back such wonderful memories. I was a high school drop out (my mom had twelve children, worked night shift as a waitress and someone had to stay home with the kids). I went to GED for my high school diploma and night school for my college degree, but I will never forget the joy of the first day of school.

    1. Wow! What a story you must have, Chris! The first day of school is always such a wonderful time of excitement. :)

  6. So glad you shared these! Loved both for different reasons. Definitely had a good laugh!

  7. We're just all insane today. I'm living it 70's style though. My daughter went to school with a backpack she's used for the last...I don't know how many years and I made sure she had clothes that fit...most of which I got second hand from different sources. I'll dig my heels in as long as I can! Cute post!

  8. You're so right about moms bonding over feelings and stuff!
    I have my oldest starting kindergarten next week and my youngest starting daycare. I'm all over the place. I'm insane.
    And I read both of those posts, especially Kiss My List because she is an in-person friend and a blogging friend!

  9. Great post - and thanks for sharing the two very different, but equally entertaining posts by other bloggers!


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