What A Feeling!

I absolutely LOVE the first day of school. But according to my Facebook feed, that is not a popular stance to take. It seems that most mothers are bemoaning the end of summer and dreading their children being in school all day. Am I the only one so happy they could twirl and sing down the school hallway?

We had a nice, fun-filled, long (did I mention plenty long?) summer break and I'm ready to move into fall. Plus I love new beginnings. I'm a sucker for them. New babies, new jobs, new homes, new school year...they all hold unlimited potential. It's a fresh start!

My two oldest in kindergarten and second grade in 2003.

At the beginning of the school year everything is new, the supplies, the teacher, the classmates, the sneakers. The possibility for a great year, the best year ever, is right at your fingertips. No one's overslept yet and is in a bad mood rushing out the door. No one has shed any tears over homework or school projects. Everyone is giving their absolute best selves and I find it exhilarating.

I felt ready to leap with joy as we walked back into the school last Friday. On the way, my girls asked why I wasn't doing my usual songs. It's become a joke over the years that I'll sing silly, happy songs on the first day of school and they'll torture me with predictions of snow days from the beginning of December to the end of February. So I started singing the Hallelujah chorus in the van at the top of my lungs. Holding my notes out so long, the girls said I should be in the choir! If I could have danced my way down the hallway, I would have totally done it.

Three youngest in fourth and fifth grade 2013.

Would you believe that my two boys actually said they wanted school to start? The younger one had finally had his fill of fun and was bored. The older was looking forward to a break from his summer job and relaxing in class! I'm not sure if that bodes well for his junior year or not!

I look forward to the school year, not only for my kids, but also for myself. Am I allowed to say that? Am I allowed to relish the thought of quieter days and time to pursue my interests? I enjoy getting back into a routine and working on some of the things I put on hold over the summer.

So if you're a happy mom on the first day of school, let me know. Make me feel less alone in my joy!

*Also, being sad on the first day of kindergarten or the last days of elementary and high school doesn't disqualify you. There's no escaping the tears on those days!

The twins first day of kindergarten in 2009. I do admit to shedding some tears!


  1. I have mixed emotions about this time and, as mothers, our reaction to it. I've been working on my thoughts about how this frustrates me some...Ok, maybe more than that. :) But too, I'm coming from a different place in my own time with my children. Blessings to you all as they head back!

    1. Thanks! I'd love to read your thoughts if you post them!

  2. I've always loved the first day of school too. It's like New Year's all over again! Love the pics of your kids.

    1. Thanks, Lana! Starting off a new year is invigorating! :)

  3. I love the back to school holiday! As a former high school teacher, I used to get so excited for the first day of school. I'm sure I'll be just as excited when C starts, but with tears, too. That's for sure.

    Your singing tidbit made me thing of Mandisa's Good Morning song. I would sing that every day on my way to work. :)

    Good luck and best wishes to you and your kiddos for a wonderful school year!

    1. Thanks, Kristy! I would imagine that this time of year will always feel special to teachers!

  4. Celebrate away! Fall is my favorite season, and I am a teacher. Dreading it may be what most people think I do, but honestly, your bit about new beginnings and a fresh start hits the nail right on the head. That's why I look forward to the first day of school as well.


    1. Glad you're looking forward to it, too! I hope you have a great school year! :)

  5. Your children are so cute! I really enjoyed our summer break and having the kids home, but was ready to send them back too!

  6. I love the first day of school too. My husband is a school teacher. It's a day full of expectations and wishes. Plus, I love the little extra time I get to spend with the kids still at home.

    1. An exciting time for sure with lots to look forward to!

  7. I'm with you sister. My house is a wreck and it's time to move on!!! Great summer - but I need to concentrate for more than one minute in a row!!

    1. Ha, I love it! Time to put the house back in order! :)

  8. I was so happy to send JJ to school! And my little Cam man misses the preschool cut off by 4 lousy days. And I can't find any preschools around that aren't insanely expensive so one more year all day at home with mama for that little guy. We might not make it. . . these last few days have been tough. But oh well I will try to relish this year with him right?? Try being the key word. Anyway, hooray for school!

  9. Ok, first things first - I'm so jealous right now. My boys are not back at school until 4th September - that seems eons in the future. Being in the UK this is the normal return to school time but I think it always seems longer than it really is - am I allowed to say that?
    Anyway, I am totally looking forward to the boys being back at school and us all having our routines back. The house settles, and stays tidy through the day, me and the hubby get back to work and the kids see their friends. Win. Win. Win.
    I love the holidays and all the fun but there is nothing like walking into the playground and seeing all those smiling faces ready to face another school year. Great post. x

  10. Oh I remember that feeling of everything being new and all the potential for a new school year - even (mumble mumble) years out of academia I still feel more New Year ish around September than January!

  11. you have identical twins! they're so cute. I don't have any kids yet but it think it must be such a blessing to have twins! (two kids and only one pregnancy)
    God bless all your children and give you wisdom each day.

  12. You're not alone, I'm so with you on the whole happy dance thing. Summer is fun but 6 weeks is plenty long enough! Your children are all so beautiful :)

  13. I bet for most it's a relief and mixed emotions as you want to see them just not that much! hahaha Love the photos and looks like they are just as excited as you are. The three youngest almost look like triples bet you get that alot. So cute. Lovely big family. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

  14. I am absolutely the happy mom skipping through the school supplies aisles! I think there is nothing better than the kids getting to start their own lives! They are little people and they are going into the world to learn all of the good and bad that is out there!

    thank you SO MUCH for sharing on the #SHINEbloghop!!

  15. Gosh, you've gone back to school already?? We have another two weeks to go! It's wonderful to spend time with our children over the holidays, but heck yes, sing and twirl with delight at the promise of precious moments for YOU once again, while they are happily with their friends and teachers! Thanks for linking this up to All About You x


  16. I always have mixed emotions. The kids are ready to go back, they need the routine and the familiarity. They need more activity. So yes, I am pleased. But the house seems really quiet without them! #MagicMoments

  17. Thanks for sharing this perspective! I am always sad to see the end of summer, but this year I am going to remind myself of all the good things you have pointed out. You are such a fun mom - no wonder your kids appear to be so happy! (Mine would cringe if I sang at the top of my lungs - but so would anyone within earshot!)

  18. Of course it's great having the kids home for Summer, being able to spend any day you can with them, however, with 6, it can be a bit of a relief when school starts again and the house is quiet for a few hours each day. Dropping by from Magic Moments.

  19. I am more than ready for the return to school, it has been a long long holidays! Popping over from #MagicMoments

  20. There is something magic about the clean slate of a new school year and brand new school supplies! I am a fan of it, too! Thanks for sharing with the Saturday Soiree Blog Party!

  21. That time hasn't come for me yet, but I can imagine I will be one of the happy ones too! ;D

    Your children are gorgeous! #magicmoments


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