Inspiration for Your Home

Looking for a great read in the new year? I got The Nesting Place by Myquillyn Smith for Christmas and I love it! 

With her relaxed approach to decorating, it was just the book to lift me out of the after-Christmas malaise and inspire me to do some projects. Here's a before and after of one I finished last night!

I had bought this little end table for $15 a couple weeks ago. After reading, I couldn't wait to get my paintbrush out and play around. I just set up the supplies in my living room and started having fun!

Best reminders from the book...

Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Doing something, even if it doesn't end up working, is better than living with something you don't like. 

Decorating doesn't have to be expensive. In fact, getting creative with what you have, or working with a small budget can be very satisfying!

Do what you like. You don't have to follow someone else's rules. 

And of course, it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful. This is the tag line of the title and it's a message woven throughout the book. I think it fits in perfectly with my New Year's resolution!

Have any of you read The Nesting Place? Let me know if you end up checking it out. I'd love to hear what you think!


  1. Love this!! I need to get this book :) Turned out so cute.. Way to go
    Chelsea @

  2. I haven't heard of this book, but it sounds right up my decorating style. Love the table - you did a great job!

  3. I haven't read it but it looks like something I would like! The parts you quoted were perfect. I like the one that said "follow your own style rules". And great job on that end table!!! I love it! Thanks for sharing this with us for Tuesday Talk! -Jess /

  4. The table turned out really cute! I saw this book on my kindle a week ago and actually downloaded it! I should probably read it now :) my house is looking rather glum now that the Christmas is all gone. It's time to spruce things up!

  5. Love how your table turned out! So cute :)

  6. Love your table. WOW. And I must check out that book. Sounds amazing. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme

  7. I've heard so many good things about this book! I really need to get my hands on a copy. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I love finding inspiration like this. I've heard about this book but now I'll have to check it out!

    I can't wait to see what inspires you this year!

    Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  9. Am reading this book and LOVING it! It is completely inspiring me in the area of my home. Thanks for linking up!

  10. I think I've heard of this book before . . . and the reviews/comments are always great.
    You did a GREAT job on your table . . . and I LOVE the tips you shared from the book! Great little reminders for us 'creative folks!'
    Happy Friday, Marie!

  11. I have been DYING to get this book and this really just confirmed my need for it. LOL. I love what you did with the table... want to come over and make over my tables? ;)

  12. I am reading this book now and just loving it! Thanks for a great review!

  13. Wow, that table turned out great - such a simple change but it made all the difference :)

  14. I have it on my Kindle to read soon. Can't wait, as I hear so many great things about it!


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