Sister Love

Watching my girls fight and claw their way through life one minute and then be best friends the next, makes me marvel at the sister relationship. As I was scolding my twins for incessant fighting yesterday, I told them many people would LOVE to have a twin. Then I said, I know I would! One of them immediately piped up, You do! Aunt Lisa! Haha, that struck me so funny! Even though we're five years apart, and had plenty of our share of fights growing up, they see my sister and I as "twins" today. How sweet and flattering!  

Here's a snippet of a conversation I recently overheard between my nephew and my girls:

Does your mom ever plop food down on your plate and let it touch the other food? 

Yes! There's a wide open space and she just sets the food down right on top of the other food. She doesn't even care!  She just mixes it all together and says it all ends up in the same place anyway!

Another time, my brother-in-law mentioned in joking frustration that my sister made a pan of dessert and then cut the very middle piece out for herself. He wondered, Who does something like that? My kids immediately said, My mom!! And it's true. If I've made a dessert for our family, I'm not above cutting out the best piece for myself. And sometimes hiding it to enjoy alone later! :)

Of course food quirks aren't the only thing that Lisa and I share. We're often told our laugh and voices sound the same. We share many mannerisms. On two separate occasions, friends of hers have run into me and later told her, I think I met your sister today. She looked and sounded just like you! 

Lisa is the closest thing I have to a twin for sure. But she's more than that. She's fun to be with, a loyal friend, and someone who's always there to listen. I can tell her most anything because she understands things from the same reference point and history that I do. Plus she's seen me at my craziest and still loves me! My sister is a treasure in my life and I hope all my girls will grow up to feel the same way about each other.


  1. Aww, I'm smiling. Thank you for your kind words, Marie. No doubt about it, it's fun to have another "half" running around out there. Most days I claim you :). For sure, there is an irreplaceable connection that can only come by being a sister. I'm thankful to have you in my life for many reasons, but one constant is the ability to come to you for perspective and advice as you've always been one little step ahead of me in life. I'm the blessed one. Thank you for being there.
    <3 Lisa

    1. Awe, now I'm the one smiling! Glad we can be there for each other!

  2. Yes! With 3 sisters in our house I am hoping for just this. They fight so much right now because they are so much alike. I am hoping that as they grow up these similarities will bond them together just like you and your sister.

    1. I'm sure they will, Jennifer! Although, I know some days it can be hard to keep the faith! :)

  3. Love this! I have 2 sisters and they mean the world to me, and I hope the same for my 2 girls! :-) You and your sister look a lot alike! Saying hello from Turn it Up Tuesday!
    Cathy@ three kids and a fish

    1. I"m glad you experience this too, Cathy! It's a blessing to have a sister!

  4. Such a sweet post about your sister. My sister is almost six years younger than me, and we never got along growing up because we had nothing in common. Now we're very good friends, and I love having a sister relationship!

    1. That's great, Lana! I think it takes growing up to see how much we have in common!

  5. Such a great tribute to your sister. Mine is 3 years' younger than me and our kids think we're a bit mad. I asked my nephew who he thought was worse out of the 2 of us and his reply was 'I think you're both as mad as eachother.' I thought that was such a cute answer. Here's to sisters - I know mine keeps me sane when life's driving me crazy.

    1. Good to hear that, Izzie! It's fun to hear what the kids think about your relationship too. They always have a different perspective!

  6. A lovely post honoring your sister. I met my sister for the first time in 1999. She lives in Tokyo and we stay in tough via email and facebook. xo

    1. I'm sure that's a very interesting story, Katherine. I'm glad you can stay in touch pretty easily. Sisters are a treasure!

  7. SO cool! LOVE the picture of them! <3

  8. I have an identical twin and two younger sisters, and I treasure all of them. What lovely photos of all of you!

    1. Thanks, Susan! Four girls in one family. I'm sure it was crazy at times, but fun!

  9. I'm a bit like this with my sister too - we are two and a half years apart and very different but also the same in many ways and I totally get the bit about being able to tell her anything because 'we come from the same reference point and history'. I hope that it's the same for brothers because I've got two boys who are incredibly close at this young age but I wonder whether it's the same for men - I don't have much to go on other than my dad & uncle now who, in their 70s aren't particularly close! Thanks for linking up to #thetruthabout X

    1. I think brothers can be close, for sure! I'm definitely hoping my boys have a special relationship someday. I see snippets of that now and it warms my heart! :)

  10. You sure do look like twins! I am loving having my girls grow up with sisters - I never had any!

    1. I'm sure it's fun for you to see your girls together. It will be special to watch their relationships develop and change over the years!

  11. What a crazy beautiful post, Marie!
    I have 3 sisters and I LOVE them more than you can imagine.
    As we've gotten older, they'v grown to become my very best friends . . . and I couldn't image not sharing in a special relationship with them.
    You and your sis are beautiful Ladies!
    I think I'll give my sisters a call this evening :0)

    1. Growing up with three sisters must have been fun! Are you all so creative and such good cooks? I bet your family gatherings are a blast!

  12. What a great post! :) Sisters really are the best...I have 3 sisters (and 2 brothers) and we're all so close. It's a special bond for sure!
    Thanks for sharing on Tuesday Talk :)

    1. I'm glad you're close with all your siblings, I hope that's the case for my children as they grow older! I'm sure it's wonderful for your parents to see that.

  13. I've always wished I had a sister, and now that I have two little girls, I hope they'll grow up to be as close as you and your sister are. Your girls are just beautiful, by the way! They must get that from their mom, and maybe a little from their aunt. :)

    1. Haha! Thanks, Meredith! How fun for you to see your girls experience sisterhood!

  14. I'm glad your kids are close. I think sibling relationships are special and it's good that they have each other!

  15. What a love post! I have a sister and of course my two girls are sisters - it can be so tricky but lovely all at the same time, as can much of life! What stunning girls you have. I'm sure they will grow up to be very close indeed.X PS I also save the best bit for myself - there's got to be some perks to motherhood huh?!

  16. Sisters are the greatest! Nobody else can understand the things that you do like them!

  17. What a great post!! I only had a little brother...and he was a handful!! ha/ha

  18. I always wished for a sister growing up for all those reasons you mention. A really lovely post

  19. Awww, this is lovely!

    I have one brother and he's eighteen years younger than me. I love him like crazy but we're not super close because of the age difference and our interests are really different. I wish I had connections like you shared here.

    I was delighted when I had my second daughter because my girls, born almost exactly 3 1/2 years apart, will have the opportunity to have a life-long bond. The thought of that gives me such joy.

    Thanks for sharing and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop.

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  20. I am one of three sisters and am raising sisters. I LOVE the sister relationship. It really is a friend for life. Someone who knows you at your best and worst and still loves you all the same. Stopping in from the Shine blog hop.

    Angela @ Stepping Into Motherhood

  21. My sister and I may be 7 years apart, but we are very close! We talk multiple times about anything from our family to mothering to biblical talks to funny stories. I love our bond. I don't think we look all that much alike, but even though we have our own families now, people still confuse us all the time! :)

  22. Great post, made me laugh, kids say the funniest things right? I am a twin myself and I would say we're a little closer to each other than our other siblings (another sister and a brother). It is pretty cool having a twin, although we've been asked many times if we feel each other's pain. The answer's no, if anyone was wondering! Also, we never played the 'pretend to be each other' trick until we were in our twenties!

  23. A sister's love and bond is so very special and I am so glad I have one so I can experience it. What a lovely post and tribute to sisters. That last photo is amazing too btw. Just gorgeous. Lovely post. Thank you ever so much for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme

  24. Aw, sisters are the best. I found myself smiling at the similar quirks you mentioned. It makes you feel normal when you know there is someone else out there who shares your brand of quirks. One of my sisters and I will order the exact same thing at a restaurant without planning it. Even if we try to be different!

  25. Lovely post, I have a sister and there are only 20 months between us, but I wish I could say we were really close. We get on well now that we are adults, but we are so very different that we've never been as close as I would have liked. Your daughters are very lucky to have each other x

  26. Sisters are special, that's for sure!! My sister and I fought all the time growing up, but now that we are adults were are closer than ever.


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