Romance After Twenty Years

I love a good romance novel. Not the Harlequin bodice ripping variety, but one with an actual story mixed in! The problem is that when I read them, I start expecting my life to be like that. I want the grand gestures, the pretty words, and the thrill of the chase. And somehow being married for almost 21 years with five kids just doesn't cut it.

Whoa now? What are you saying, Marie? 

I'm saying that some days you have to look long and hard to find romance in such situations. But this weekend, I was reflecting on and appreciating some of my husband's romantic gestures.

Going to the grocery store for me. Seriously they never include this kind of thing in romance novels, but it sweeps me off my feet.

Playing outside with the kids. When I see him out there throwing the lacrosse ball around or playing basketball, my heart skips a beat. 

Helping me with the dirty work. Who needs flowers and candy? If you'll figure out how to fill out college financial aid forms and take the garbage out in the rain, you're my knight in shining armor. 

I love you and You look nice. I'm blushing, flattered, and so thankful you still say it. 

Movie night. Cuddling on the couch watching a movie with no kids in sight? You're a Casanova!

Suggesting we go out to eat, or even better, order in. Don't have to cook? I'm feeling more in love by the minute.

Go shopping. Spending time with me doing things you'd rather not do...smooth.

Helping with math homework. You've still got it!

Driving a minivan. Don't be fooled. Anyone can look good in a little red sports car. It takes a real man to pull this one off!

Being my best friend. Loyal, trustworthy, faithful, loving, always choosing to see the best in me. That's love. 

Raising a family, growing older, taking care of a home, they all tend to suck the life out of romantic feelings. I mean there's a reason they don't show clearing the plates, figuring out why the car engine light is on again, and cleaning up the bathroom in the movies. But it's the showing up, sticking around through the arguments, listening, helping, laughing, supporting, being there day in and day out that's really romantic!

And fancy date nights and trips alone together don't hurt any either! :)


  1. Aw what a sweet post. It's so great to see this kind of love! My hubby goes to the grocery store every week for me. He loves me so much!

  2. I love, love, love this post! So very sweet! This kind of love is the kind that CHOOSES to love day after day, when it's hard, and not always convenient. When my husband chooses every day to truly be a part of our family it means so much.

  3. My husband is right now helping with math homework! Yes! God was so smart to create marriage. :)

    1. That's awesome! I knew I wouldn't be the only one considering that an act of love! :)

  4. Ah! So lovely to appreciate all the little things Marie. X

  5. This is such a lovely post - I've been with my husband for nearly 10 years; with 2 young children, 5 house moves and our own business to deal with I do sometimes wonder where my teenage notions of romance went awry.
    You're so right though that it's the showing up, being there, laughing and supporting each other that is really romantic - far better than any teenage fantasy!
    Great post - I may even show it to my husband, if I'm feeling romantic! Xx

    1. So true! Life often ends up differently than what we imagined, but usually better!

  6. Aw thats lovely!! We've just had a baby and bought a house and its safe to say we've been stress and snappy with one another, guess its time to concentrate on us a little :)
    Lianne | TheBrunetteSays...

    1. Congratulations on your new baby and home! That's wonderful!

  7. It is every parent's dream that their daughter will marry someone with all those traits and live a happy life! So happy for you!
    Love, Mom

  8. Gorgeous post I love it and its so true. It may not be the stiff of romance novels but its true romance. Lovely #allaboutyou

  9. Lovely post and so true - nothing beats watching your partner playing outside with the kids

    1. Thanks! It is a wonderful feeling to see them all having fun together!

  10. Yes, yes and yes!! I love your list and my heart too goes pitter patter when my husband does the things you have on your list!

  11. Wonderful post, Marie! You made me chuckle! XOXO, Aunt Kim

  12. I love this! I totally agree - it's not the grand gestures, but the little things that make a husband so wonderful!

  13. Congratulations on a successful marriage, it is so nice to read a sweet romantic post. Your list is every woman's dream, your very lucky girl!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  14. So very true Marie, it is the simple things that really make it work. The grand gestures are lovely, but taking the garbage out, dealing with the kids when you've had a really long day, running you a bath and telling you to go and have a break. Those are the things that really matter :) #allaboutyou

    1. Thanks, Sara! Those are the things that hold it all together.

  15. That's great, Dana! How wonderful you can count on him to do that!

  16. A lovely post - so important to appreciate the little things. Yes, the romantic gestures are lovely but the moments that I look back on that sum up why I love my husband are mostly those little moments of family life.

  17. Fabulous post Marie. This sort of stuff is exactly why I'm still in love with Mr A after 22 years! Who needs romance?

  18. I love this and it's so true Marie! I used to want flowers and candy and love letters but as we matured and our lives grew into each other, gestures like these are AMAZING.

    Thanks so much for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  19. Another wonderful post, Marie!
    Every single thing you wrote about made me smile :0)
    It's funny how the simple, little things can feel so romantic now. You captured it all so perfectly in this post!
    I think I need to share this one with my husband ;0)
    Thanks for sharing!

  20. This is such a lovely post to read. We've been married for 22 years (together for 27 - ekk) and for me the most romantic things my hubbie does is bringing me a cup of tea when I'm having a soak in the bath, and scraping my car windscreen on frosty mornings if he is up and out before me. I don't think romance is hearts and flowers, it's little things that say "I care" and "you are important to me" .

  21. Ahhh such a lovely post and so great of you to be so grateful for the little things your husband does for you. I was just saying the same thing to Mr P it's so nice when the little things are done as they are what means the most. Mr P said I look nice today and it really made my whole day. It was out of the blue and not expected but made me feel so loved and beautiful the way he said it. Even if it's not done everyday or week its cherished and appreicated and I think that's so important like you said. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewtihme

  22. I'm more of a practical romantic--and yes, I was very excited when my husband cleaned the kitchen and bathroom this morning!

  23. I love this reminder of the practical side of romance! With three boys under two, romance isn't happening much but the sweet moments are to be treasured.

  24. Great post! Sometimes its good to have a reminder that it's the little things in life that express love. It can be easy to forget. Thanks for linking this up to the Be. YOU. tiful link party :) Adrienne


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