Fall Break Highlights

We've been off from school and our usual routines due to fall break the past few days. We didn't leave town, but Steve's been home and we've enjoyed just doing whatever pops up. Here are a few highlights from our weekend...

1. We took the boys to a hockey game Thursday night. The last time I went to a Predators game, this guy was a baby.

It's always fun to go out with my boys. There's an ease about it that's refreshing. Zero drama and no guilt. I like hearing their sense of humor and seeing life through their eyes. When I asked my husband how long we should plan for eating before the game, he said half an hour tops. That's in, out, ordering, eating, and everything. Now that's some focus on food! 

2. It's been raining, so I had the perfect excuse to be lazy and get a lot of reading done this weekend. I started the Call the Midwife series by Jennifer Worth and finished the first two books. They're really good. I've heard the TV series on Netflix is great, too, so I'm looking forward to watching that after I finish the third book. 

3. Halloween costume shopping. I mentioned in this post that my mother in law usually does Halloween costumes. This year though we decided to give her a well deserved break and hit up Party City. Here's one of the things we bought.

My oldest daughter told me I would have never let her wear that mask and she's probably right. I guess that's an advantage of being the baby. By the time you're the youngest of five, wanting to dress in a scary mask for one night doesn't seem like a big deal to mom anymore! :)

I'll leave you with this scene. Several people mentioned that my post from last Thursday felt sad. Funny how after I wrote all that, my girls asked to bring over Nanny's Calico Critters and have played with them all weekend. I guess lazy, rainy weekends lend themselves to playing and using your imagination. I was glad to see it!


  1. We're just getting off of fall break, too. Even though I only have one child in school, it's so weird how the whole dynamic of the day changes when he's home. I love that little guy, but I was ready to send him back to school this morning!

    1. Haha, I can relate, Leilani! Break always sounds good, but once it's over, it's over! :)

  2. I LOVE Call The Midwife! I've watched the series, but the books sound wonderful. Love the scary mask :)!

  3. I love relaxing and reading on rainy days. It's the perfect opportunity to snuggle up with a good book.

    That mask! Ugggggh! Freaky!

    I love Calico Critters! I've been eyeing them thinking we should buy them for the girls. I think they would love it.

    Wishing you a lovely day.

    1. This was such a fun post... that mask still freaks me out though.

      Thanks for sharing and linking up to the #SHINEbloghop.

      Wishing you a lovely day.

    2. Thanks, Jennifer! I think your girls would like the Calico Critters. They're very well made and so cute!

  4. Kids have a special radar - they just know when you are ready to get rid of something of theirs! Such a cute photo of you and your boy. And no one will guess it is your daughter wearing that mask!!

    1. Thanks, Susan! So true about their radar. I hadn't thought of that!

  5. I bet that hockey game was fun! I'm not going to lie when I scrolled down I jumped a little (maybe a lot. My co-worker saw me and laughed), I wasn't expecting that. I hope you have a great day!

    1. Thanks, Leslie! She's been wearing that around the house to scare us. :)

  6. Hi Marie!
    What is Fall break? I've never heard of that before?
    I think it's so neat that spent relaxed, quality time with your kids. I'm so envious that you've been having rain. I miss the rain, sigh!
    Loved seeing the photo of your daughter in the scary mask. So fun!
    I hope you're having a great start to your week,

    1. Thanks, Suzanne! Fall break is just two days for us, but it's a week for some other schools surrounding us. Kind of a mini break between the start of school and Thanksgiving. I wish ours was a little longer, so it would be easier to get away!

  7. Sounds like a fabulous week off with the kids, here's to more time for relaxing with a good book. I can thoroughly recommend the Call The Midwife series if you get a chance to watch it on Netflix, it was hugely popular over here in the UK. Calico Critters are called Sylvanian Families over here... we have lots of this up in our loft and our daughters used to love playing with it.

    1. I'm looking forward to watching it. I thought of my UK blogging friends while I was reading it! :) That's neat that your daughters played with Calico Critters, too. They're so well made and classic!

  8. EEEK your daughter scared me with that mask I wasn't expecting that. just made me laugh out loud as I jumped. lol The books sound great I might have to look into that. I love everything about Fall. Sounds like you are enjoying it to its fullest. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

    1. I think you'd enjoy the books, Jenny! I thought of my UK blogging friends while I was reading them!

  9. What a lovely break you're having! I love how you guys in the states celebrate Halloween and fall with gusto :-) PS I love the collection of Nanny's Calico Critters- we call them Sylvanian Families here and I can't wait for my little ones to get into them, I loved them as a child!

    1. Halloween is big here. Things start going out in the stores very early! It's interesting to learn that you have Calico Critters too, but call them something different!

  10. Sounds wonderful, Dana! I hope you guys had fun!

  11. Good grief, that mask would really freak me out! We have a Scream mask that the kids like to pop on and jump out at me with...! Call the Midwife is brilliant, I've just finished watching Season 3 (PBS show it). I haven't actually read the books, but I love the show :)

  12. It was fun to see what you did over your break. I especially loved seeing the Calico houses. My granddaughter loves hers & it is true,t hey lend for hours of imagination. I visited from Sat. Soiree Party. I think this is my 1st time here so it was nice to "meet" you! Have a great weekend!


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